Title Image by Emily Hackett BA (Hons) Surface Pattern Graduate 2013

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

International Contacts

Interest continues on the stand at Indigo in Paris from companies in Denmark, England, Turkey, China and France - continue reading Colette Dobson's (Senior Lecturer) diary to find out some more...

Gustav from Denmark were looking for edgy and expressive ideas and left with a sample from one of our past graduates, Rosie de Beer.

Textile Express from Shropshire thought the work was "incredible stuff" with a ". Fantastic use of technology to creative outcomes."

Lots of visitors to the stand looked at the back of the fabrics, loving the hand crafted stitching and bead work. Officina del Jeans loved the moodiness of Sean's dyed and pleated work and Alex Hobley's layered screen printed designs.

Esmee based in Highgate, London and Turkey are interested in students contacting them for placements. Paulette Chow a graduate from Central St Martins having worked for the company for 9 years said "It would be a great opportunity for our students as they are our future".

We spoke to a number of Chinese companies including Less from Zhejang who have visited us twice to see Emily Hacket's laser cut leather.

Max Studio Towcater loved Emily Hacket's folk skirt designs.

A lot of information was derived from discussions with buyers. Rhum Raisain from Plessanne France,who was intrigued by Katie Lewis's, experimental, pleated painted and embroidered pieces. . Buyers are interested in manufacturing processes as the translation of exciting work can be challenging for them, but they say they want to see this "fresh and innovative " approach.

White Stuff, who have bought work at a previous show returned to the stand to see what was new. they were looking for conversational prints, illustrative , image based work, something our students do well.

Paris - Day Two

The diary of Indigo in Paris continues....

Tuesday 17 September

The second day in Paris has been very busy from the start, with lots of interest in the work.
Within a few hours we had our first sale. A Team of 8 buyers from Lili Gaufrette Saint Maur France, looked through all the children's wear on the stand. They loved recent graduate Ginni Mansueto Jones's quirky fun pieces and Holly Danby's beautifully embroidered animal knitwear. They decided to buy one from Philippa Higginson, one of our second year students on the Textile Surfaces course.

Prym Stolberg Germany, also looked through our children's wear collections, they loved the non-traditional, tactile and quirky approach of our students particularly that of Soma Doyle, Amy Jones and Ginni Manseuto Jones with lots of smiles at Ginni's dashhound and poodles.

Premiere Vision Paris September 2013

SPoTS is back in Paris for the September show this year!  The team are busy keeping a diary of what is happening - which you can see more of below with more posts to follow....
Monday 16th September
The team arrived at 21.45 to set up the Exhibition.

We are all very excited to see the students work to be shown in a great location in the hall, very central, in the Indigo section of the show. The work looks fantastic we are pleased to see it looking so professional amongst the work of other major design studios. This is now SPoTS ateliers' third showing at Premiere Vision.