Title Image by Emily Hackett BA (Hons) Surface Pattern Graduate 2013

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Interview with Hayley Murphy - Graduate of 2015

Continuing with our mini interview series, read on for Hayley Murphy's insight to studying on the Surface Pattern Design course...

Hayley Murphy - Surface Pattern Design Graduate 2015

Why did you choose to study at Staffordshire University?

      The facilities are exceptional, and this alongside the large amount of contact time you have with tutors, the potential for learning is unlimited
      Also the opportunity to work with such a large number of prestigious companies within the creative sectors provides even more opportunity to learn and progress.

What’s been the best thing about studying Surface Pattern at  Staffordshire?

      Being able to push my practice and skill particularly in the screen printing workshop
      Being given the option to make your own learning independent experience.

Knowing what you know now - what piece of advice would you give to yourself if you were about to start the course again?

      Be in the studio and workshop as much as physically possible, if your not, you can't learn from your tutors, your peers or the technicians and also try and develop your work as much as possible.  Don’t settle -  you can always do more!

     Tell us about any successes or exciting things that happened to you whilst you were studying?

      Getting the recognition from companies on live briefs on producing good work

What are your hopes/plans for the future?  

To create and run a successful design business under my own brand mainly designing for wallpapers and fabrics for interiors.

What would you say to a student who was thinking about studying Surface Pattern/Textile Surfaces?

It will be the some of the most challenging but enjoyable 3 years of your creative career and you should take advantage of everything you can learn.

Hayley's degree show

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Interview with Kate Jennings - Graduate of 2015

Over the summer we will be posting up mini interviews with this year's graduates, we've been asking them questions like, why did you choose this course? What piece of advice would you give yourself if you were to start the course again?

So if you want to find out more about our courses and them, then keep your eye out for our posts.

Kate Jennings - BA Hons Surface Pattern Design 2015

Follow the link to find out more about Kate


1.  Why did you choose to study at Staffordshire University?

I loved the atmosphere of the studio and the idea of having my own desk to store my work and use every day, something which I had seen was not available at a lot of Universities. It also had such amazing facilities of the print room and access to the sewing room etc. so I expected to learn so many different things over the three years… which I did!

2 .   What’s been the best thing about studying Surface Pattern/Textile Surfaces at    Staffordshire?

The amount of things we learn through the beginning making us such versatile designers but then towards the latter of the course, the tutors appreciate students’ individual style and you are encouraged to do what you’ve enjoyed in past projects.

3.      Knowing what you know now - what piece of advice would you give to yourself if you were about to start the course again?

Really make the most of every project from the beginning. Even if you don’t feel a project is going to be your cup of tea or suit your style, you can often surprise yourself and still learn a lot from it. Also always try to challenge yourself, especially at the beginning as it is important to really find a style that you love or a new innovative technique that makes you unique.

4.    Tell us about any successes or exciting things that happened to you whilst you were studying?

I did a project for childrenswear in which I really tried to challenge myself and attempt things out of my comfort zone, but the project didn’t go successfully for me and I was becoming frustrated that I didn’t feel I had a particular thing I was good at that made my style. In my next project I tried to stick to things I loved such as detailed painting and creating designs for interiors. I also pushed myself to use Photoshop which I previously had always steered away from and the outcome of this project was really successful. I felt like this was my turning point in my course and I really found myself and what I loved to do which was really exciting for me.

5.    What are your hopes/plans for the future?  And how did the Surface Pattern/Textile Surfaces course get you ready for this?

After graduating, I hope to initially get a job in an interiors company doing textile or wallpaper design. And maybe one day become freelance and sell my own designs to other companies. The surface pattern course has really got me ready for the future as we have learnt so many different things, we will be able to apply for a lot of different jobs based on our skills and what employers require. Also we have been taught crucial skills about job hunting and also creating our CVs and portfolios to be suitable for the design industry.

6. What would you say to a student who was thinking about studying Surface Pattern/Textile Surfaces?

If you know you want some sort of career in design but you’re not really sure what yet, Surface Pattern is definitely the course you should consider. You are taught so many different things and ways of working, everyone becomes very individual and you can work in any way you wish whether it be on textiles, ceramics or even graphic design. It is such a versatile course with lots of opportunities and potential for the future, I would definitely recommend it to anyone.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Interview with Jess Rowley - Graduate of 2015

This summer we are running a series of interviews with this years graduates - read on for Jess's thoughts on studying at Staffordshire University, hints and tips and what she hopes for next...

Jess Rowley - Surface Pattern Design Graduate 2015

Why did you choose to study at Staffordshire University?

The University has wonderful facilities, dedicated staff and a great working atmosphere. I am lucky enough to be local to Stoke-on-Trent, so having all this on my doorstep was something I just couldn’t miss out on!

What’s been the best thing about studying Surface Pattern/Textile Surfaces at Staffordshire?

The best thing about the course has been the guidance the staff have provided, whether through one to one tutorials or technical skill demos, the amount of knowledge and support given has been amazing. Also being surrounded by talented, creative people has provided a wonderful atmosphere to work in. Taking part in competitions over the course has also been something I have loved. It has been a great way to prepare for work in the Industry by working to live briefs and helping to build a commercial portfolio.

Knowing what you know now - what piece of advice would you give to yourself if you were about to start the course again?

Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to make mistakes; beautiful things can come from the most unlikely places!

Tell us about any successes or exciting things that happened to you whilst you were studying?

During my second year on the course, I won a runner up prize for my work produced during a Denby Ceramics competition.I also took part in multiple Pop-up shops which were ran by the Student Union, selling work that I had designed over the course. I have also recently been awarded with a 2 day placement to train at AVA CAD/CAM, after exhibiting my work with the University at New Designers 2015.

What are your hopes/plans for the future?  And how did the Surface Pattern/Textile Surfaces course get you ready for this?

I hope to launch my own business selling cards and giftware, which I am currently working on. I also hope to become a freelance designer and would love to see my work for sale in retail shops. The course has prepared me for this by encouraging my commercial style and teaching valuable skills that I will need to work in the Industry.  Also by including the Design Futures Project, I was given advice about how to set up your own business and how to promote yourself.

      What would you say to a student who was thinking about studying Surface      
      Pattern/Textile Surfaces?

      The course is great for helping you find yourself and your style, with wonderful staff and 

      facilities.    Providing various opportunities to take part live briefs and competitions;   
      there is no-where better to help prepare you to work in the Design Industry.

Detail of Jess's Interior Wallpaper Collection