Title Image by Emily Hackett BA (Hons) Surface Pattern Graduate 2013

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Hallmark Cards

Last month, Emma Greaves, Art Director from Hallmark Cards and her colleague and illustrator Hannah came to launch a live project brief for our second and third year students on the BA (Hons) Surface Pattern and BA (Hons) Textile Surface degree courses.
The students were asked to create a new range of cards and gift wrap in 3 weeks, with 2 work placements at the Hallmark studios up for grabs for the best designs.

After much deliberation, Hallmark finally decided on giving out 4 placements due to the high standard of work produced by the two year groups.
"Please congratulate all the students who took part in the project, everyone did so well ... we will certainly be watching what everyone's doing over the next year so tell them to keep up the good work."  Emma Greaves, Hallmark
The winners were Jemma Moore, Charlotte Deaville, Zahra Akhtar and Alix Webb - well done to them all


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